Each child is unique. It's funny to see this in your own children. We have three children and although Seth and I made all three together, they could not be more different from each other!

Mann is on the far other end of the spectrum. One word to describe Mann....UnPrEdIcTaBlE! One minute he is cuddling in your lap, the next he is throwing a tantrum at your feet and you have no idea what happened! He cannot sit still long enough to watch a single television show, much less a movie. When Seth took him to see Toy Story 3, Seth said there was running commentary from Mann throughout the entire film. He is very articulate and to say he is talkative would be an understatement. Mann loves sports and playing ball with his daddy best of all. If you ask him his name, you would hear, "Daddy's Mann!"

And sweet little Emma Jo. Although she's only 15 months old, you can already see her cute personality coming out. She likes attention and can be LOUD to get it. She loves to cuddle. Stuffed animals are her favorite toys, especially the ones that make noise! She has a little bit of sensitivity like Daniel, but can be bold and stubborn like Mann. She loves being outside and trying to keep up with her big brothers. 

We are so blessed to have these three very different blessings!
Children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. - Psalm 127:3
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