I promised to give up carbonated beverages, but have already slipped up! In my defense, it wasn't really my fault! My mother-in-law was kind enough to bring me lunch yesterday at school and with it she brought me a Coke Zero. I mean, it would have been impolite not to drink it! And it was a Coke ZERO! No calories! ;)

One of my friends from high school gave up Facebook. I have done this before and hated losing touch with people.
Technology is great for keeping in touch with people, but it can also tear us apart.
I have to admit, I am guilty of wanting to finish a text message to a friend or my update on facebook, while one of my children is trying to get my attention. I have been on my cell phone when I could be talking to my husband. Yes, I am in touch with others, but I may be losing touch to those closest to me.

I love my Blackberry. I receive my emails from both my personal and work accounts. I have apps to news, Bible readings, movies, facebook (of course!) and all sorts of things I don't even hardly use.
I tried to convince Seth that he needed a Blackberry or some type of smartphone, but he had no interest in upgrading. As long as he can text and make phone calls, he is happy.
I have to admit I feel a little guilty paying more for my cell phone service because I like the convinience of having a Blackberry.
I have considered downgrading, but there are things that do keep in me in touch with others that I would miss! I love being able to take a picture of my babies on my phone and sent it to facebook for all of my friends and family to see with a push of a few buttons. I am much more likely to do my Bible reading on my phone than in my actual Bible because of its portability. I can read it while I am waiting to get my oil change or during my conference at school.
So am I going to give up my Blackberry? Not likely. But do I need to learn to put it down and put my family first? Definitely!
Now, back to those carbonated beverages. I am reaffirming my ban on them until Easter, and hopefully I can eventually completely kick the habit!