Saturday, March 12, 2011

Give it Up!

Did you give up anything for Lent?

I promised to give up carbonated beverages, but have already slipped up! In my defense, it wasn't really my fault! My mother-in-law was kind enough to bring me lunch yesterday at school and with it she brought me a Coke Zero. I mean, it would have been impolite not to drink it! And it was a Coke ZERO! No calories! ;)

One of my friends from high school gave up Facebook. I have done this before and hated losing touch with people.

Technology is great for keeping in touch with people, but it can also tear us apart.

I have to admit, I am guilty of wanting to finish a text message to a friend or my update on facebook, while one of my children is trying to get my attention. I have been on my cell phone when I could be talking to my husband. Yes, I am in touch with others, but I may be losing touch to those closest to me.

I love my Blackberry. I receive my emails from both my personal and work accounts. I have apps to news, Bible readings, movies, facebook (of course!) and all sorts of things I don't even hardly use.

I tried to convince Seth that he needed a Blackberry or some type of smartphone, but he had no interest in upgrading. As long as he can text and make phone calls, he is happy.
I have to admit I feel a little guilty paying more for my cell phone service because I like the convinience of having a Blackberry.

I have considered downgrading, but there are things that do keep in me in touch with others that I would miss! I love being able to take a picture of my babies on my phone and sent it to facebook for all of my friends and family to see with a push of a few buttons. I am much more likely to do my Bible reading on my phone than in my actual Bible because of its portability. I can read it while I am waiting to get my oil change or during my conference at school.

So am I going to give up my Blackberry? Not likely. But do I need to learn to put it down and put my family first? Definitely!

Now, back to those carbonated beverages. I am reaffirming my ban on them until Easter, and hopefully I can eventually completely kick the habit!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Hats

I wear all sorts of hats. Really, I am not a hat person, but I wear three main hats.

Wife, mother, teacher.

I tend to keep my mommy hat on most of the time. It's hard not to, with three little ones, someone is always needing something from mommy. And, of course, at school the teacher hat stays on most of the day.

But when do I put on my wife hat? I have to admit, it's getting pretty dusty from not being worn much. When we are busy, it's hard to make time for each other. And privacy is not something that exists at our house because it is a concept that is still being grasped by our little ones. I definitely need to work on dusting off my wife hat everyday to give my husband some more attention. I know he deserves it!

But what if I wanted to change hats completely? It's also easy to want to wear the same hats all of the time. I get into the routine of life and am comfortable with the hats I wear.

But I have felt pulled to try on a totally different hat. One that is not comfortable. One that is unfamiliar.

I guess it would be easier to keep my same hat on. After all, it's broken in and I know how it fits.

But for some reason this other hat keeps nagging me. "You know you have always wanted to wear me. What's stopping you? You'll never know how right I can feel until you try me on!"

Are you as confused as I am? Good! Now you know how I feel! :)